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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Tonkichi (Orchard Central) - A place for nice Hearty Meals


Actually, I had never been into Tonkatsu since my impression is that the deep fried crumbs on the surface cut into the inside of the mouth, making the whole dining experience and aftermath, unpleasant. Tonkichi changed my mind on that since the crumbs of the deep fried meats here, are crispy yet soft enough, not to become tiny blades. The meats are flavourful, though I personally feel that the Torikatsu is better than the trademark Tonkatsu since the chicken meat is softer and easier to cut and chew. The meat of the Tonkatsu is a bit too tough.

The seaweed sauce used for the free flow cabbage salad is what got me raving about this restaurant; the taste is extremely unique; bursting with authentic seaweed flavour with light hints of simulating sourness, no wonder I see the service staff keep on refilling the sauce bottles.

The service is good and friendly (such a big contrast right after the horrendous service I got from Kiseki and The Orange Lobster) and the place is nice and spacious with a nice view of the city.

All in all, a great for katsu meals!

My Thoughts: Pretty Good

This restaurant is no longer in operation, check out the other branches instead.