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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Au Croissant - Time to be HDB Tai Tai

 It is now possible to enjoy some French pastries without going down to city area. Enter "Au Croissant" for us ladies to enjoy some high tea time as and when we like in a nearby vicinity.

The takeaway box is of French quaint style that really makes it a lovely gift.

Lots of variety of viennoiseries for choosing. And I decide to get ...

the Unique Lemon Cheese Croissant! It's not like one can see this flavour of croissant anywhere else, so I know I got to try it. I also like Lemon and Cheese anyway. This combination works. The buttery croissant actually tastes refreshing due to the lemon. I like this a lot. Freshly baked croissants are really different from those mass-produced types made with margarine.

What attracted me to go in to get a croissant to try is because 
1. I'm curious about croissants sold in heartlands
2. I'm attracted by the cute European style lamps dotted around the perimeter of the place.

These lamps really complete the tai tai's experience of having high tea.

This is quite a nice place to check out if one has cravings for croissants or to buy some pastries to give as gifts.

Thoughts: Croissants anytime now!

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