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Sunday, October 1, 2023

Gemma Restaurant - Oh so Fine

I know about Gemma not through the usual Instagram or chancing upon it, but via e-newsletter from IWA Group. The newsletter was about Sunday Brunch with 30-day dry-aged steaks and free flow of prosecco and Tuscan wines, which is not exactly my kind of thing as I don’t eat beef. But it did get me to find out more about the restaurant. Interesting Tuscan dishes with a good variety of seafood … okay, I’m in!

The place is decked with luxurious red walls juxtaposing with posh marble ones, soft yellow lights casting a golden sheen on the surfaces, glassware, dark tables and a stylish bar counter with geometric shapes. It is sophisticated and at the same time, bold, with a lace of cosiness. I'm impressed by the interior here.

The Tuscan food here is full of delicate yet simulating flavours that really please the palates. And what I really love about the food here is the perfectly balanced taste profile is also unique. From the bread to the dessert, the taste is distinctively Italian, yet at the same time different from the other Italian cuisine. So yes, it is an upmarket adventure for the taste buds.

The service staffs here are very professional and have friendly deposition, cementing this dining experience as a oh-so-fine experience.

The Artisanal Pasta of Hand Shaped Potato leek Raviolini, Argentina Red Prawn, Sage, Radish is definitely my favourite dish. It has me swooning in silent delight when I have the first taste of the grilled prawn with creamy, briny sweet core. There is so much umami packed within it, highlighted by the light char. I bathe in more bliss when I tuck into the bouncy smooth Raviolini to enjoy the texture and the earthy sweetness of the potato soaked in the specialty sauce.

The air-flown semolina bread is uniquely served with Alpine Butter and Tarragon, a kind of licorice plant. The nutty flavour of grain is very pronounced in the semolina bread, going so well with the creamy, refreshing Alpine Butter, which is like fine thick whipped cream. The tarragon adds a touch of bittersweet excitement to the taste.

Amuse Bouche of Mascarpone Cheese mixed with Wasabi and Seafood stacked on top of Parmesan Cheese cracker is so tasty and perks up the senses.

Roasted Baby Beetroot, Whipped Goat Cheese, Golden Raisin, Buckwheat, Watercress is a beautiful dish with beautiful myriad of flavours. But since I'm still recovering from a hangover, thus a bit absent-minded, I only manage to take a photo of part of the dish, instead of showing it in its full glory.

The Whipped Goat Cheese is so airy, light and creamy, contrasting so well with the tangy zest of the Beetroot. And the Watercress adds a nice frilly, crunchy texture to dish. Very well-executed dish.

Iberico Pork Tenderloin is so tender and succulent. The Caramelized Apple Jam and Cabbage Remoulade do well to cut through the gamey flavour and perks up the overall taste. I like this too.

Lemon Olive Cake is dense in texture, rich and intense in flavours. It is quite an indulgence to savour this. The milky Ricotta Cremeux and caramel goodness of Maple Gelato makes it even better. And the gelato is served at perfect temperature: being just cold enough to hold its shape and add an excitement to the warm cake, while still being easy to bite.

Cocktail All Summer Long features the slight herbal taste of elderflower prosecco, going in harmony with the citrus flavour. Nice!

A picture I took while on my way to Gemma

I do have this feeling that I will be impressed by this restaurant, based on what I see in the menu and photos. And I'm actually more impressed than what I think I will be because the food exceeds my expectations due to its uniqueness and the feeling of bliss evoked when savouring it.

Thoughts: Totally impressed!

1 St Andrews Road
National Gallery #05-03

Nearest MRT: City Hall