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Friday, May 24, 2019

Calbee Granola Rich Strawberry 4 times

Who would have thought that Calbee, the famous snack manufacturers, would come out with a healthy cereal product? Imagine my surprise when I see packets of Calbee Granola stacked onto the shelves at Choco Express. Coupled with the fact that freeze-dried strawberries, my favourite fruit, are added, I naturally feel inclined to check it out. After seeing several wholesome ingredients, such as oats, rye flour, brown rice flour, wheat bran, in the ingredient list, with no colour additives, I immediately buy a pack. Okay, I admit, the packaging also looks too pretty to resist.

This cereal is bursting with flavours of grains, held together by the caramel sweetness. And the strawberries give extra kick to the taste. Good to eat even on its own!

Where to get this: Choco Express
Country of Origin: Japan