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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Tribal Dining - Little Exotic Surprises that Excite and Enchant

As I always have a love for fusion food and have so far been really impressed with the repertoire of restaurants in Mondrian Hotel, Tribal Dining naturally goes into my wishlist. And a visit here cements that love and reminds me of why I have a preference for fusion cuisine. I love the food so much that I add-on two appetisers to my lunch course, which is of good value given the high quality of the ingredients and food.

The food lovingly combines the rich flavours of Asian food and the delicate meticulous preparation of European cuisine, spices up with tribal theme of fire, wood and grill to serve up food with familiar yet unique at the same time, delicious flavours. The core ingredients are flavourful and succulent, featuring that lovely natural sweetness. The accompanying condiments, such as laksa leaves, kaffir lime, elevate the dishes to another level. Savouring the food here is like enjoying the breeze, the smell of ocean and sight at the beach, and then out of nowhere, I catch a surprising whiff of BBQ aroma. I don’t expect it but I’m sure loving it.

The place is exactly like its namesake “Tribal”. In the space full of modern sensibilities and classiness due to the  dark furniture, dark walls, classy tableside lamps with soft yellow lights, polished metal finishings and grey plush sofas, the distinctive touches of tribal elements blend seamlessly into it. Rattan curtains, ornamental rattan roof and brick red walls make this space unique and immersive.

The service is excellent: professional, friendly, attentive and makes very good recommendations on wines, thus making this dining experience an absolutely awesome one.

Hamachi Crudo with charred orange ponzu features the sweetest yellowtail, I totally mean it in a good way. It is that kind of meaty sweetness tempered with brininess, which develops into a savoury sweetness as I chew on it. Pickled jicama refreshes the palates and provides that crunchiness, thus going perfectly with the meat, Ikura added adds an extra oomph of briny goodness.

Clarence River Prawns with smoked chicken fat is so plump, meaty and succulent. Imbued with smoky goodness, it tastes so good in its own rights. And it tastes unbelievably awesome with hints of zesty pungency of laksa gremolate and wasabina. It’s a moment of eyes widening and going “Oh my, what’s that? It tastes amazing!” Definitely my favourite.

Bouncy, juicy scallops with smoked roe, roasted chicken reduction, duck prosciutto and allium oil successfully combine the soft briny sweetness of scallops, a touch of smoky goodness and earthy meatiness of duck to create a dish full of nuanced, distinctive flavours.

Iberico Pork Chop is bursting with robust flavours of kampot pepper bbq sauce and smoky meaty sweetness of iberico pork. The meat is so juicy and tender, completed with a good firmness for great bite. This is one excellent pork dish.

Mango Bavarois is Southeast Asian’s panna cotta with a lovely medley of coconut, pandan, kaffir lime, shikwasa (a type of tangerine that looks like lime) and gula melaka ice cream. It is so unique, exotic, well-balanced in taste and good that I relish very spoonful of it.

Lovely fruity wine.

Light, mellow red, which is exactly how i like my reds.

Thoughts: Excellent Exotic Surprises that Amaze!

83 Neil Road #01-07

Friday, May 10, 2024

Tippling Club - Robust Flavours, Exciting Creations

Forged by Vow brought me here, to an exciting experience of robust flavours, unique dishes, out of the world cocktails. I don't know why Tippling Club did not get onto my radar last time, but being eager to try more dishes with cell-based meat, Forged Parfait, after an amazing first experience with it, I immediately made a reservation when Forged by Vow revealed that this restaurant is serving some dishes with its parfait.

I'm wowed by the boldness of the unique combination of robust flavours here and also the details that go into the special preparation of the components of the dishes. One example: sliced paper thin A5 wagyu sandwiched between kelp to produce a special ham that is so full of umami, rivalling the taste of Spanish ham. The best part is these big flavours actually complement each other so well. And I love the huge variety of dishes available in the lunch premium menu: little bites of 15 courses. This is exactly how I like it.

I know this place will be impressive the moment I look down the long stretch of corridor adorned with greenery hanging off the ceiling and flanked with potted plants at the side. The entrance leads straight to the bar area that had this lovely nostalgic feel of old Singapore juxtaposing with the posh stylish bar counter illuminated with bright yellow lights. The interior of the inner dining room with open kitchen speaks of old money aesthetics, and I love it.

Service here is awesome, meticulous and thoughtful. They know their food really well and make very good recommendations on drinks. I totally enjoy my experience here.

Thus is the first time I’m trying Cromesquis, which is French croquette wrapped in bacon and batter and then deep fried. So I’m very excited about it, and yes, its taste matches my expectations! The intense essence of ocean in the caviar, the creamy, earthy goodness of black truffle mayonnaise, the complex umami of Forged Parfait and the warm starchiness of croquette work together to create a beautiful fireworks of strong yet harmonious flavours. And the aroma is awesome. One of my favourites here.

Tuna tartlet with sesame, shoyu and premium white kombu is refreshing and packed with briny goodness. I love it.

Air baguette is first surprise of the day when I bite into it, yielding a burst of zesty, creamy French sauce gribiche that perfectly complements the taste of dutch eel and the crispy texture of the air baguette.

Wagyu tartare taco with pickled egg gel is also so good, where the tangy, creamy elements excite the palates and then give way to the wholesome, sweet meaty goodness of wagyu trimmings.

Watercress royale with pea puree and a special caviar more premium than avruga caviar is a smooth, luxurious treat.

Chilled tomato gelée is so sweet, zesty and oh-so-refreshing. The whole spectrum of flavours complementing each other so well here.

White asparagus, blue crab, béarnaise is a winner in both taste and texture. I absolutely love this dish. The crunchiness and clean vegetal taste of asparagus are perfect juxtaposes to the succulent texture of the strands of briny sweet crab meat. Béarnaise sauce makes it richer, and better.

King prawn ravoli with cordyceps mushroom and wild mushroom broth is like mushroom gastronomic adventure. Packed with beautiful earthy umami with a tint of herbal goodness, the essence of the ocean in the ravoli actually comes through the big flavours to feature a taste that is complex snd pleasing.

A pretty swirl of Forged mont blanc stacked on top of cherry yoghurt and pistachio surprises me by how Forged Parfait can actually give a different but equally awesome tasting experience when paired with cherry yoghurt and pistachio. The refreshing sweet cherry juice with a touch of tart taste and its fruity texture really complement the creamy umami of Forged Parfait so well. I’m amazed and enchanted.

Bacalao (Spanish salted and dried cod) with courgette aka summer squash, sauce fumet, tonburi (Japan’s field caviar) is like Chef Ryan Clift’s love letter to and from Japan. The firm, succulent, oily fish is so full of robust yet complex flavours, thanks to the huge variety of ingredients curates from Japan.

A5 miyazaki wagyu featuring textures of umami is so rich, meaty and juicy. The specially prepared paper-thin wagyu mentioned before works it magic to give a layer of complexity to taste and texture. The briny essence of sea grapes adds pops of excitement to the wagyu. And the wagyu tastes even better when paired with the special leaf that has a light floral herbal flavour. An excellent dish.

Special toast with sea grapes. A lovely, creamy, rich treat.

Shine muscat, the best grape in the world, is featured here. I’m of course excited about it. The thin skin, the intense aroma of flowers and wine, the pure sweetness are what makes this grape unrivaled. Carbonated muscat shakes things up with a carbonated zesty frozen core. An interesting creation. Though I have to say that Shine muscat is so good that it tastes the best when on its own.

Chilli lime, you read that right, chilli and line as dessert! The taste is so exciting, with light hints of spiciness, harmonised by the zest of lime and nutty creaminess of coconut sorbet. The texture of granita and sorbet work so well together. It's unique and is my favourite dessert of day.

Honey lemon with peach compote, black lemon sorbet, caramelised granola is a lovely mellow treat that wins in texture.

Sweet treats of petit fours is very unique too with refreshing, zesty ice-cream sandwich, ramping up in intensity with a creamy tart and finishing with sea-salt caramel ice-cream. Excellent trio.

Cocktails is a must-try here. First Kiss is fruity and light, perfect for First Try of the cocktails here.

First Day at School is another lighter drink of the repertoire, and it is so good, having the right balance of zest, sweetness and bitterness.

First Love is very, very intense.

Thoughts: Exciting Experience!

38 Tanjong Pagar Road

Nearest MRT: Tanjong Pagar or Maxwell

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Mein Tagebuch Mai 24

1 Mai 24

Ich weiß nicht, warum ich sofort der Appetit vergeht, wenn ich große Teller mit verschiedenen Speisen sehe. Vielleicht probiere ich gerne verschiedene Gerichte, aber ich kann ein Gericht nur essen, wenn es ein großer Berg an Essen ist. Außerdem mag ich zarte Dinge lieber. Deshalb mag ich japanisches Omakase.

2 Mai 24

Der bewegendste Film ist ein japanischer Film namens Quill. Es ist über das Leben von ein Blindenhund. Ich habe viel geweint, als ich diesen Film sah. Der Blindenhund heißt Quill, weil er ein Zeichen hat, das wie eine Feder aussieht. Er ist so klug und süß! Die Todesfälle im Film haben mich so traurig gemacht.

3 Mai 24

Einer der spannendsten Orte in Singapur ist Universal Studios während Halloween.

4 Mai 24

“Der Geruch von Grillfleisch ist so verlockend.” Diesen Gedanken hatte ich, als ich einem Grillplatz vorbeikam. Aber ich habe keine Lust, Essen zu grillen. Es ist besser, wenn jemand für mich grillt.

5 Mai 24

Ich liebe es, Make-up zu tragen, weil ich mich damit in jede Persönlichkeit verwandeln kann. Ich kann ein Frühlingsmädchen sein. Ich kann eine heißer Sommertyp sein. Ich kann ein Herbest-Goth sein. Ich kann eine Eiskönigin des Winters sein. Es isr sehr spaßlich!

6 Mai 24

Das romantischste Lied ist meiner Meinung nach “Traum einer Nacht” von Schwarzer Engel. Es ist so traurig, melodisch, bewegend und gothic. Die Stimme is sehr tief und magnetisch.

7 Mai 24

Das schert mich nicht, ob wir unterschiedliche Meinungen in der Politik haben. Aber ich ärgere mich, wenn Sie mir Ihre Meinung aufzwingen.

Das geht mir am Arsch vorbei, ob mein Gesang furchtbar ist. Ich werde immer noch auf Partys singen.

Das kratzt mich nicht, wenn Sie denken, dass ich unverschämt bin, weil ich unhöflich zu Leute bin, die ich nicht mag.

8 Mai 24

Ich möchte beim nächsten Stammtisch fragen, ob Deutsch Bierflaschen mit irgendetwas öffnen können. Ist Biertrinken in Deutschland ein Hobby?

9 Mai 24

Ich werde dieses Wochenende ein Kleid von vor 10 Jahren tragen. Es sieht immer noch neu aus und ist ein sehr schönes Kleid. Leider habe ich beim letzten Mal viele schöne Kleider gespendet, als ich eine Garderobe teilte. Ich vermisse diese Kleider. Jetzt weiß ich, dass eine Frau seiner einege Garderobe haben muss.

10 Mai 24

Das ist Geschmacksache, ob man besser aussieht, wenn man die Brille tragt. Am meisten Leute denken, dass man ohne Brille besser aussieht. Trotzdem bevorzuge ich meinen Look mit Brille. Und mag ich gepflegte Jungs mit Brille besser!

11 Mai 24

Fusion-Food ist eines der besten. Ich bin total begeistert. Es vereint die reichen Aromen der asiatischen Küche mit der sorgfältigen und innovativen Zubereitung der europäischen Küche.

12 Mai 24

Ich habe mir ein mit Pailletten besetztes Kleid gekauft. Nachdem ich es anprobiert habe, merkte ich, dass es mir nicht gefiel. Es ist kratzig. Der Stoff ist dicker, sodass ich darin dicker aussehe. Es ist ziemlich teuer, aber ich werde es nie tragen. Bequemlichkeit und Selbstvertrauen sind die wichtigsten Elemente, um gut auszusehen. Und dieses Kleid bietet mir keines dieser beiden Elemente.

13 Mai 24

Viele weibliche Prominente haben bei der Met Gala sehr schöne Kleider getragen. Meine Lieblingskleider sind die Kleider von Mona Patel und Eíza Gonzalez. Ihre Kleider sind so traumhaft.

14 Mai 24

Gegrillte frische Garnelen sind am leckersten. Rohe frische Garnelen sind auch sehr schmackhaft!

15 Mai 24

Es heißt, wenn man stark in Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften ist, ist man in der Regen schwach in Kunst ist. Ich bin dagegen. Ich bin gut in Mathematik, Chemie, Physik und Kunst.

16 Mai 24

Es ist etwas Schönes, Klassik und Heavy-Metal-Musik zu kombinieren. Die raffinierte Reinheit der Klassik verschmilzt nahtlos mit der chaotischen Aggressivität der Heavy-Metal-Musik.

17 Mai 24

Gestern bin ich zur Tee-Anerkennungsparty gegangen. Ich habe drei nette, schöne Damen kennengelernt. Wir haben über Wellness, Gesundheit, Essen, Lebensziele und Tee gesprochen. Es hat viel Spaß gemacht. Diese Art von Veranstaltung is großartig, um Leute zu kennenlernen, die die gleiche Frequenz haben wie ich.

18 Mai 24

Ich merke gerade, dass ich besser Weißwein als Rotwein mag, wein Weißwein gut mit Meeresfrüchten ist. Ich mag die Meeresfrüchten essen.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Tomidou - Amazing Beautiful Surprises

Japanese Omakase has always been one of my favourite dining experience because of the excitement of letting the chef decide the entire course of meal for me, and usually, the experience is sublime, and is better than the meals where I choose what I want to eat. In addition, it is a joy to watch the chef meticulously prepared the dishes with curated premium ingredients. Another reason is simply because I love to eat seafood.

So yes, I come to Tomidou with great expectations. And my expectations totally exceeded! Rooted in traditional Edomae sushi, Chef Akira Horikawa adds little extra touches or twists to elevate the food to develop unique complex flavours that amaze and delight me. All dishes here evoke that feelings of happiness and warm satisfaction. Definitely one of the best omakase I have.

With the hinoki wood counter, shelves decked with sakes, bonsai, different types of wood surfaces adorning the walls and furniture, the interior has the upmarket Zen vibe that fills one with a sense of calm. I actually love the subtle floral print on the smooth glossy metal finishes.

The service here is exceptional: professional, meticulous and warm. It’s perfection. Chef Horikawa also shakes things up with punchlines and his showmanship. I’m totally in love with this place. So is this restaurant a must-visit? A definite yes!

The beautiful platter of Botan Ebi, Uni and Hotaru Ika is like delightful gathering of the treasures of the sea. Briny sweet, springy raw botan ebi with its head grilled to crispy goodness is such a joy to savour. I’m so happy to have the rarer sweet, creamy Murasaki uni alongside with the umami packed Bafun uni. Hotaru ika is full of the essence of the ocean contained with the bouncy flesh. I love this platter so much.

I never know I can go “wow” when tucking in to sashimi, but that is what exactly happens when I pop Kinmedai and Amadai sashimi into my mouth. The aroma of lightly charred surface of the fish adds so much to the flavour while enhancing its sweetness that it is amazing.

Otsukuri of Hatsu Katsuo and Sakura Masu continues the wave of surprises and delight. The sweetness of the fishes is imbued with the rich smokiness of rice straw and perked up by the zest of sudachi and pungency of Okinawa shallots plus garlic. So exciting and oh-so-good.

Kani Doraku is a wonderful marriage of the garden and the sea. The crunchy, juicy, fresh, sweet vegetables from Japan add the extra earthy, floral dimension to the light oceanic umami of the chucks of crab meat. Another lovely dish.

Nodoguro Shioyaki surprises me by how good cooked fish can be. The flesh of Nodoguro is firm and smooth, going perfectly with the deep-fried potato and lotus. The intense earthy sweetness of these root vegetables elevates the taste of Nodoguro from very good to amazing. Bonito injects bits of savoury kick to the dish, making it even better.

Kani Shinjo is so amazing too. I was expecting the crab meat ball swimming in the bonito broth to have its most of its flavour seeped to the light yet unbelievably flavourful broth. But the first bite of the meat ball took me by surprise. Because it is packed with so much briny sweetness that it literally tastes sweet!

Chef Akira Horikawa preparing the shari right in front of the patrons

Being a good show man, Chef poses with the huge slab of tuna at my request.

Signature Sushi Chutoro features that lovely melt-in-your-mouth texture. An excellent sushi.

Sushi Aori Ika is king squid chopped up many times to yield that perfect easy to bite texture while retaining the unique creamy briny taste of squid. Best ika sushi.

Beautiful Sushi Akami Zuke is also good.

Sushi Torigai, a rarity in restaurants, is served with gusto as Chef Horikawa smacks a flat piece of torigai, a kind of Japanese cockle. and then voila, the torigai changes its shape! Visuals aside, I love its texture and taste too. It is so crunchily good!

Signature Sushi Otoro here is different from other otoro sushi. This is like otoro in served in millefeuille style, where three thin slices of otoro stacked on top of shari, aka sushi rice. So smooth, so melty, so sweet .. perfect!

Sushi Uni is decked with lots of uni, and Chef Horikawa makes it even more awesome by generously putting more uni on top 😍 in front of me. This is the best uni sushi. Sweet creamy umami overload, and pure happiness overload.

Sushi Awabi, yes abalone sushi, impresses too with a a mix of textures and falvours. The slight chewy texture and light salty, buttery taste of abalone goes so well with creaminess and sweetness of murasaki uni plus the fluffiness and touch of tangy sweetness of the shari. This is one very well-executed dish that exemplifies the unique characteristics of abalone.

Signature Sushi Unagi (Sous Chef Kenjirou Special) is unique in which the refreshing element of the sliced cucumber lifts up the intense smoky taste of unagi and its creamy texture. A delightful piece.

Gyoku is made from Japanese egg and shrimp paste. It is so fluffy and sweet. I love it even better when it is paired with the savoury elements of the shari.

Shijimi clams yields sweet, lovely, flavourful soup.

Cherry Blossom Pudding’s earthy taste juxtaposes so excellently with the refreshing Strawberry jelly. I love this dessert that packs layers of flavours and textures.

This awesome meal is rounded up with refreshing yet enchanting citrus dessert soaked in champagne and a traditional Japanese dessert of mochi dunked in red bean paste. The eclectic pairing of Eastern dessert meets Western dessert is interesting and works well.

Sake recommended by the staff, which is perfect for going with omakase.

Thoughts: One of a Kind, Amazing Experience

1 Nassim Road #01-01